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DrayFLEX-Trip is a mobile application for truck drivers, providing turn-by-turn route options and alerts enroute. The DrayFLEX-Trip app provides route options for the trucker’s input destination and appointment/arrival time based on the current traffic conditions, truck speeds, truck routes and restrictions, truck profile, estimated fuel use, and terminal gate wait time. Incident and slowdown ahead warnings and speed advisories are also provided via audible alerts to the truck driver. A truck driver—using the DrayFLEX-Trip application—would be able to select from multiple trip route recommendations including fastest travel time and fuel savings options, receive mid-trip audible notifications based on truck route restrictions and congestion and other incidents, and take terminal gate wait times* into consideration for their estimated time of arrival. Potential benefits include fuel savings, reduced stop-and-go and idling, improved safety and reduced hard braking from the slowdown ahead alerts, and increases in on-time cargo pick-ups and drop-offs. DrayFLEX-Trip is available for both iOS and Android. To sign up, please provide your email address below and select your device type.

Device Type

email ID
(associated with the Device)


Within 1-2 days from sign up, you will receive an email from Administrator Drayflextrip for your login and app installation information. Please check spam if you have not received in 4 days.

Send feedback to feedback@drayflextrip.com with any questions or if you need support with DrayFLEX-Trip.

* Note - Terminal gate time information is only available for the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. Routing is available for California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah.